Report from the bleeding edge of my tech talent sourcing, start-up journey.
- 💪Growing as a Talent Sourcer – now that I've joined a dream-team of talent heads. Status: I'm doing internal, peer-to-peer sourcing, which is excellent since it allows me to help the types of people I would have helped if I didn't have a supportive team. Next, I need to get traction and optimize the moving pieces before taking on my first in-house customer project (mid-February).
- 🤔 How's your present recruiter, talent sourcer gig/role is serving your career and mental wellbeing? Here's a super crude "job board on notion" thing that will give you a starter.
- 💡Relocation & job search – After failing to get at least two ideas off the ground. One of them being a job search app for HR folks, not kidding.. After assisting a smaller international mover in surviving and growing for a period of time. I'm still thinking about doing something in these areas. So I can combine my interests in marketplaces, no code, engineering as a marketing tool, and the space of worker talents. Status: I've completed the hypothesis. The next step will be to collect (read: scrape) some relevant data. And create an MVP. Yes, I am aware that a fantastic solution is already in place in Europe. But I'm not sure they addressed all of the pertinent issues.
Recently I hit a longish streak in waking up early. Hope it's not my liver :). Anyway, yoga is back on the daily menu with 10-15 minute simple zen meditation almost every morning (or late night). It usually feels good and helps controlling my overflow of energy.
I've changed my daily 6 km elliptical trainer session, after breaking the streak late last year (it was a bit more than one year long, with only a couple days off.) Started to work with Peter Attia's Zone2 excercise 30 minutes on eliptical trainer four times a week adding one max tabata (4+4x4 minutes–comes out to 32 minutes before you start working on the false math equation–on eliptical trainer, but hope to get myself outdoor more again to run. Dropped the daily 16 minutes HiiT/Tabata plank sessions after a 10 months streak, since 15 Jan 2021. Probably looking into bringing that or some dumbbell-like regime back in my dailies. My left knee didn't like the knee mobility that much, or maybe it was my crazy sitting habits. Anyway, I'm gingerly testing other knee mobility ideas to make it work. Now it's fine.
Fell back on prior focus areas of content, personal values and introducing mental models in my everydays and workflows too. But now will be the great time to do so with more of my bandwidth under pressure. You know the pressure & the 💎 story.
[Aside] Here's why you need a Now page too?
Check out my shiny biolinks page if you're still not inclined to click out of here.